Interview with Kanna
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クレイン ポール先生
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Hello, Kanna. So, the reason why we wanted to interview you was because when you entered NUFS was certain score and then you recently took the TOEIC the score was high. What was your TOEIC for when you entered NUFS?
It was 400.
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And what is your latest score?
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Really! Wow. Congratulations! Did you specifically study for the TOEIC test itself?
I studied English using textbooks, but for the listening section, I used podcasts including the Collabo Podcast and Canadian local radio.
I think my listening skill improved the most in Canada, listening Podcast every morning. I went there for a year.
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Overseas Experience - 休学・カナダでの経験
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Why were you in Canada?
For a working holiday. I went to language school for three months, worked for a job at Starbucks for nine months, and did an internship for three months at an IC company.
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When did you do the working holiday?
In 2019. After I finished the sophomore year.
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So you took a year off after your sophomore year. Why did you do that? Why didn’t you choose to study abroad?
Because I wanted to have an experience to work abroad using English.
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I’m impressed! Where in Canada were you?
In Vancouver.
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In Vancouver. Did you choose that or were you placed there?
I chose that. Because Canada is multicultural, especially in Vancouver. There’re so many people from other countries. I thought it’s important to understand the background of people who have different cultures. That’s why I chose Vancouver.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
That’s very interesting.
What do you think about choosing an internship over study abroad?
I am satisfied with what I chose. I think I had more opportunities to interact with people through the working holiday more than if I had just studied abroad. I got to interact with a wide range of people.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Amazing. That is very brave to do that.
Did you do a homestay or where did you live over there?
I did a homestay for the first three months and then moved to a shared house. After three months, I moved again to another house.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Two shared houses. That sounds so much fun.
It was fun, but also difficult. In the second house, I lived with four Canadian guys and one Korean girl and there were some problems. That’s why I moved again.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Yeah. Living with other people is difficult. That’s literally the meaning of “Kyosei”.
Well, that’s very interesting. Now, let’s focus more on how you’re studying at NUFS.
English Learning Methods - 英語学習方法
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So, as a freshman, you came in as TOEIC 400. How did you study English? Did you just do the homework or did you do additional things?
I think I was doing just homework because there were tons of homework when I was a freshman. I also had lots of English classes. I think that improved my English skills a lot.
When I did my homework, I tried to put more time and effort and really think about what I’m doing instead of just quickly try to finish my homework just to say finished.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
What is your English learning routine or recommended study methods? You know, there’s the four basic language skills any listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Do you have any specific way of studying for or any of those skills?
For listening, as I said earlier, I used podcasts and radio. Also, I listened to lots of music in English. But for improving TOEIC score, I used TOEIC textbooks and if I didn’t understand what they say, I repeatedly listened to the sound. And for speaking, I have friends who speak English and also when I was in Canada I almost spoke in English every day. The important thing is to keep using English every day. And for writing, I don’t really practice writing English in daily life. I just practiced in the writing class. For reading, I used TOEIC textbooks and Japan Times in English. So, when I was in Canada I was reading Japan’s news in English.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Okay, news about Japan in English.
So you’ve been telling me a lot of things that you were doing while you were in Canada and also for the TOEIC. did your study method change after you went to Canada?
Not really. I keep the same way to study English.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Last year when you are a third-year student, were you still studying for the TOEIC?
Yes, I was. I was using TOEIC textbooks all the time and I knew I’m not good at reading and grammar than listening so I spent more time studying the reading section. Oh, like this. [shows a texbook]
So I repeatedly answer those questions if I made mistake. I think it improved my reading skills and grammar.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
Sure. I was talking to Ryuhei (Ryuheiさんへのインタビュー記事も公開予定です!) recently and he said he went back and studied his junior high school and high school textbooks and he thinks that was very beneficial. did you ever do anything like that, going back to old textbooks?
Yes, I did. I was studying those junior high school English and high school English and I bought Essential Grammar in Use and I use it to study grammar.
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![|[公式]名古屋外国語大学 世界共生学部 世界共生学科](
That’s a very good book we don’t use in any of our classes. You bought that on your own?
Yes. This book was recommended by one of the Collabo teachers.
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I think you are explaining some things as an “autonomous“ learner. That means you do things BEYOND what we do in class. This is something that I think is very important because studying in class is very good in all the homework for classes but it’s probably not enough and so you have been studying on your own autonomously. Yeah, so why is that? What is your motivation?
Firstly, why I entered NUFS is because I wanted to speak English with my Filipino friend. I’ve been to the Philippines when I was a high school student in second grade. At that time, I couldn’t speak English at all. What I could speak was “hello”, “thank you”, “sorry”, something like that. It was really terrible. So, at that time, I thought I really should study English. So, when I entered NUFS, that was my motivation.
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But after understanding English a little bit more, my motivation changed. I started to think that I want to use English at work in the future. So, I went to Canada to get experience working in other English-speaking countries. And that motivation doesn’t change. That’s why I keep studying English now.
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What Collabo English classes did you like and why?
- All classes were really fun. It was challenging for me when I started. Last year, I gradually could enjoy all classes.
- English teachers gave me a lot of time to speak English and (10:48) they have gave me time to discuss about my thoughts.
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What is your next challenge in the future about your English?
I want to use English at work, so I’ll keep studying business English. Nikkei in English is good!
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So, you’re STILL studying English!
Yes, though I don’t have mandatory classes I’ll be taking elective English classes.
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Please give us a message to share with the younger students about studying English and studying at NUFS.
It’s important to put small effects every day. Keep studying every day, don’t forget your propose of you studying English. Don’t push yourself too hard. Enjoy study English.
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